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Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Revolutions are happening all around us, why not here?

At about 11pm last night I was reading about the no-doubt American led "coup" in Honduras against President Zalera.  I'm not going to try to lay the whole thing out to you just yet, because I am only beginning to get my head around the sorted details.  Here is a fantastic article that lays much of it out: 

What I am interested in is why we Americans have the unique ability to look around at countries all over the world, where the proletariat is rising up in opposition to the fascist dictators and unjust government policies that keep them down, and not feel the urge to engage in our own uprising.  Sure, we have the first Black President in the West, and we just passed the first American global warming legislation - even though the bill is pretty much a piece of shit that comes nowhere close to really doing anything meaningful to combat climate change.  There is actually quite a lot to be excited about in America, but what about all the unbelievable shit we are doing around the world?  The hundreds of thousands of casualties we have caused in Iraq, Afghanistan and Gaza (by way of our support for Israel); the economic and trade policies we force upon the less-industrialized world; our constant bad-mouthing of all governments the world over that don't support the American way of life; and well, you get the picture.  Equador, Hunduras, Venezuela, Cuba, and Bolivia are all currently involved in ongoing revolutions, some further along than others, and one common thing they have is true hatred for American free-market capitalism.  The revolution they are all involved in is also known as the Bolivarian Alternative of the Americas or ALBA.  Read up on it.  South America and Central America are now heavily involved in that movement and they won't stop until they get a more just, humanistic, socially-minded governmental aparatus in their respective countries.  What will we do?  What are we doing now to combat the largest separation between the rich and poor in the industrialized world? 

Oh yeah, we can't do that right now, because we are too busy fighting the "switch to digital" campaign.  "Are you ready?" that ad says.  No motherfucker, I'm not ready.  Fuck digital!  I'm ready to yank your corporate money-sucking ass out into the street and let loose the angry mob you enslave with your product! 

Am I screaming in the wilderness here folks?  Who's with me?  Pretty soon, I'm gonna be marching down the street all by myself yelling, "down with economic fascism!"  I don't know, whatever.  Fuck it.  Nothing will ever change in this country, even if we do have a Black President finally.  Am I wrong?  Fucking prove it. 

Posted via email from chrisrobincox's posterous

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