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Sunday, February 14, 2010

Why I DO NOT Support the "Troops"

It has been a really long time coming, but I as a citizen of this incredibly fucked up country have reached the point at which I am willing to cause premature endings to friendships, lose fans of my music, and even piss off family members, by saying I DO NOT SUPPORT THE "TROOPS".  Please notice the quotations.  Even the word is ignorant in its usage.  Troops are groups of soldiers, not individual men and women, who should be referred to as soldiers.  No, I do not support the "troops", because I don't support ANY of the wars they are engaged in.  I do, on the other hand, support the soldiers as human beings, as individuals, and more importantly as individuals who have been systematically gamed, abused, propagandized, and used as pawns in a rich man's game: wars for oil and influence. 

I cannot in good conscience support wars of occupation, killing hundreds of thousands - how much we don't really know because we only accept the military count of the dead - of people as a response of an action that killed around 3000 Americans.  WAKE UP!  Critical thinking is needed here by we the people and our government.  It is our money paying for these wars.  We need to re-think our foreign policy decisions, which are exactly the reasons given by the Taliban and Al-Quaida as to why they attacked us, not respond like we are in a damn schoolyard brawl.  Furthermore, this nonsense about how they attacked us because "they hate our freedoms" has got to stop!  Please, can we take our collective heads out of our asses on this one?  It is way more plausible that they attacked us BECAUSE OF OUR WAY OF LIFE, not out of jealously of it.  While we Americans continue to live our insular, grotesquely gluttonous lives, people are starving and being abused, often in countries that supply the oil we use to live the way we live.  And as if that was not enough, one of the reasons our own damn country is going broke now is because basically 99% of our Federal tax money is going to these wars.  We are going to make ourselves resemble thy enemy by attacking them for false reasons.  Just think about that for one second before you feed another line of bullshit about "supporting your country".  Also, check out Dahr Jamail's writings about the resistance movement in the military:  I am fortunate enough to have hung with and really picked the brain of this man, and he is a truly courageous journalist, asking the questions our government is far too unprepared to answer. 

We are a young and stupid country that needs to grow up and handle its business in an educated, critical way.  And that includes our soldiers.  There are thousands of soldiers over the years, over many battles who have had the true courage and grit to lay down their arms in the face of immense pressure to continue the bombardment they were sent to pursue.  That time has come again, and if you are a soldier out there reading this, or a past soldier that I know will hate me now, just know this:  I support you as a human being, but I do not support the action you have unfortunately signed up to do.  When you lay down your arms and/or refuse to engage in actions you know are not actually lifting up the human existence in the country you are serving in, I will respect you even more and support you as a SOLDIER.  Even if you can't, but when you get back you join the army of resistance, I will welcome you with open arms into the revolutionary movement that is building in this country! 

Posted via email from chrisrobincox's posterous

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