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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

America Must Accept the Loss of an Ally in it's Quest for Global Dominance

It is no damn secret that the American government cares not what the effects of it's drive toward global domination are upon the rest of the world.  And with the senseless deaths of more than a dozen peaceful, fearful, idealistic humanitarian aid workers and protesters yesterday in Gaza, it is also no secret that the American government couldn't care less about what the Israeli government does, as long as it tells it's American "ally"  that "we did it in self defense." 

Self defense?  So, if I'm walking down the street and someone calls me a name I don't like, or points out something I don't want the world to be aware of, I can just take out my gun and shoot the person in the head or beat them into submission?  Boatloads of international activists and humanitarian aid workers entering Gaza is about the same in relation to the Israeli government.  But when the Israeli soldiers boarded the aid ships - flying allied flags mind you - they entered forcefully, and when met with resistance from people trying to defend themselves, they started killing, stabbing, and beating.  So yeah, self defense, but not on behalf of the Iraeli soldiers.  To the contrary, the activists on board the ships felt the need to defend themselves.  And you can bet your ass, I, for one, would have done the same.  "Oh, the poor poor soldiers!  They were being attacked by the protesters!"  Wah, wah!  What's the saying?  Oh yeah, "fuck the police." 

For the Obama Administration to just stand by and let this happen is a disgusting display of American sycophantic alliance with the ONLY government in the Middle East who will allow us to continue to be there, screwing up people's lives for eternity.  I can virtually guarantee you that America will be ONLY reason Israel is not condemned by the UN.  It's a bit like BP, in that I can also guarantee you that BP will never really be dealt with the way they ought to be. 

The band I play with, Junkyard Empire, was at one point in talks with the Free Gaza Movement about joining them on the flotilla and actually performing a peace concert in Gaza.  I still can't decide if I'm happy or sad that it didn't work out for us to go.  Indeed, the reasoning that was given for us not going was that it was deemed "too dangerous."  Here is a link to a song we recorded about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict:

Anyway, for the United States to earn any kind of international respect in light of the Israeli government's recent abuses, this country must accept the loss of its most valuable ally in the quest for global dominance: the state of Israel.  How do we lose them?  We tell them we are done supporting their genocide and imperialism.  Of course with Barack Obama as President, there is very little chance he will do something as controversial as speaking the truth about the abuses of the Israeli government.  After all, he was too weak to go after BP until today, more than 5 weeks after the biggest environmental disaster in American history.  What could possibly make us think he'll go after Israel, in support of a bunch of progressives, the like of which probably elected him?

Posted via email from chrisrobincox's posterous

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